Welcome to the Scampington & Chipside Garden Railway's Build Blog. In here I will be posting progress on the various mini-projects pertaining to the line's development.
Why have I done this? Well, as I am a member of various railway-related forums (fora?), I have been finding it increasingly difficult to keep abrest of who I have told about what. I therefore figured that if I just posted all my progess logs in one place, I could then just post a link to it where appropriate.
If you've stumbled across this Blog by accident and are wondering "what the heck is the S&CGR?", then please take a look here.
The intention is to keep this as a log of works-in-progress, which will then get published to the S&CGR site proper before clearing down here. As I have absolutely no knowledge about how blogs work, this might not actually be practical! But that's the plan anyway.
Hope you enjoy watching me make mistakes!
Why have I done this? Well, as I am a member of various railway-related forums (fora?), I have been finding it increasingly difficult to keep abrest of who I have told about what. I therefore figured that if I just posted all my progess logs in one place, I could then just post a link to it where appropriate.
If you've stumbled across this Blog by accident and are wondering "what the heck is the S&CGR?", then please take a look here.
The intention is to keep this as a log of works-in-progress, which will then get published to the S&CGR site proper before clearing down here. As I have absolutely no knowledge about how blogs work, this might not actually be practical! But that's the plan anyway.
Hope you enjoy watching me make mistakes!